Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First Day - with teachers

Today was the first day with all of the teachers present - lots of greetings and meetings!  Below is a list of topics/issues that came up through today's meetings.  Is a first year teacher prepared for these?
  • Common Core State Standards - What should be taught/learned?  How should it be taught?  How will it be assessed?
  • Teacher Evaluations - What counts as a "good job" of teaching?  What are the components of teacher evaluation?  Who will be doing the evaluation and when will it be done?  How will the evaluation help a teacher grow professionally?
  • Students with Special Needs - IEP, 504, Special Education, etc.  How will instruction need to be modified/adapted for the various needs of students?
  • Materials - What is available?  How do teachers get what they need?  Who pays for it?  (Incidently, I get very little - including white board markers - and must purchase what I need.  I do get a small stipend to reimburse for classroom materials.)
  • Grading - What should be graded?  How much time will it take?  How are grades communicated to students and parents? 
  • Teaching a New Subject - How can a teacher do to prepare for teaching a subject they are not "qualified" to teach?  What resources are available?  What are the expectations of the teachers/school/etc.  (I will be teaching writing - something for which I have no preparation.  Wish me luck!)

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