Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring Break - Newspaper Math Scavenger Hunt

Spring break!!  One week off with no students!  I think both the students and the teachers are ready for the coming week.

Several students inquired about extra credit they could do over the break.  Some presented it as a way to "not get rusty" without classes; really, I know they just want a higher grade!  I was made aware of Math Scavenger Hunts using the newspaper.  (Thanks, Mom!)  I thought this would be a good way to combine some math and literacy while the kids are out.  We'll see how it turns out!

The Scavenger Hunt activity is adapted from By the Numbers:  Mathematical Connections in The Forum for Middle-Grade Students at the Learning Forum.

Here are some examples of Scavenger Hunt prompts:

See if you can find each of these in the newspaper or a magazine.  Clips out the headline/paragraph/page and attach it to construction paper.  Label each item you find.

  • A fraction that is more than one-fifth.
  • A money amount less than $1.
  • A date other than today's.
  • A five-digit number.
  • A decimal that is not an amount of money.
  • A store giving a discount of 20 percent or more.
  • An ad larger than half of the newspaper page.
  • A temperature higher than 40 degrees.


  1. Going to try this out with my third graders. I will modify it slightly.

  2. Yesterday I told my students to bring newspapers for a project in the methods class. They said they don't have any newspapers. Interesting. The Internet is here.
