Monday, September 24, 2012


Without the other teacher in the classroom, it seems the kids have tried to see what they can get away with!  Seventh graders are seventh graders so they like to be social... but failing to do homework, talking out of turn, and distracting others doesn't make for a productive class.  At the beginning of the year I seated the students somewhat arbitrarily.  Now that I have gotten to know the students (and they have shown their level of responsibility in the classroom), I have rearranged each of the classes - separating some students, moving others to the front or back as needed, and wishing I had more corners!  These changes didn't make some of the students very happy - which I take to mean it was the right thing to do.  :-)  I may need to make a few more changes in the next few days if there are more students who can't handle their position in the classroom.  The downside to having 36-38 students in the class is that there are very few, if any, empty desks.  I did get two more desks so that I can create a buffer if needed.  But now there is even less room to move around the room!

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